Regular members of AFA who were also members of the Execom had their 14th meeting at the Aichi Health Plaza in Aichi, Japan last July 4, 2006. The highlights of the meeting included reports by the members and the secretariat. Some of the major decisions made included the approval of the AFA operations plan, roles […]
Dear Chairman Seo, officers and members of KAFF,Warm greetings to everyone! We congratulate the officers of KAFF for organizing the tenth National Advanced Farmers’ Meeting. We cheer with the thousands of KAFF members and their families who are gathered here together for days of togetherness, fun and laughter, solidarity and also exchange of learning.
AFA and AsiaDHRRA, represented by Esther Penunia, participated in a consultation with the ASEAN Emminent Persons’ Group of the ASEAN last June 28, in ISEAS office, Singapore. During the consultation, the regional civil society formation Solidarity for People’s Action Advocacy (SAPA), submitted a paper on the group’s recommendations for the economic pillar. The paper was […]
AFA Secretary General Esther Penunia met farmers organizations in Kenya and Sierra Leone, Africa, during a profiling activity , sponsored by Agriterra, held May 14-28 . Together with Marly Boonman, Agriterra’s Liaison officer, two farmers’ organizations were profiled – the Eastern Womens Cooperative Movement or Muloma and the National Association of Farmers in Sierra Leone […]
Berlin, Germany – AFA Secretary General Ma. Estrella “Esther” Penunia joined as a panelist during the kick-off of the three-day Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) held on 19 January 2023 in Berlin, Germany. The GFFA is the world’s leading international conference on key issues relating to the future of the agri-food sector. The […]
Agriculture Resilient to Pandemic’s Impact: Transforming Food Systems to Reduce Loss and Waste 28 September 2021 | 16:00 GMT+8 Manila | Zoom Register at Every year, the world throws out about 1.3 billion tons of food valued at USD 1 trillion. Food waste also creates a greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint bigger than many countries. […]
Consolidating Family Farmers Voices on Food Systems SummitAFA Independent Dialogue Series for the Food Systems Summit1 July 2021 | 14:00 GMT/UTC+8 (Philippine Time) | ZoomREGISTER HERE Background The United Nation (UN) recognized that transforming food systems is central in efforts to achieve all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 thus it has called […]
Participation in Agriculture Value Chain Development: Increasing Market Power of Family Farmers Lead Organizer: Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) June 10, 2021, 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM Philippine Standard Time (16.00-18.30 UTC+8) REGISTER HERE     Background Understanding the Food Systems Summit    The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has called on all world […]
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